Category Archives: Herbal Tea – Effect – Cooking – Tips And Information

Herbal Tea - Effect - Cooking - Tips And Information

Herbal Tea – Effect – Cooking – Tips And Information

Herbal tea – effect – cooking – tips and information

The use of herbal tea has a very long tradition anywhere in the world. Compared to black or green tea, the herbal tea contains no tea leaves. By connoisseurs, it is rather associated infusion beverage category. Traditionally certain herbs are included, such as Chamomile, Sage, and Peppermint in the most herbal teas. Herbal tea especially the use of proper herbs and the gentle, organic processing is important.

The big advantage of herbal tea is that it can be drunk in any quantity. Because it uses only plants and herbs, herbal tea contains no caffeine. For this reason, it can be drunk by children, there are even special tea’s which are tailored to the needs of infants. Especially fennel and Chamomile tea are herbal teas that are not only easy to digest for infants but even a soothing effect, for example, in the digestion of infants.

The selection of herbs used in the herbal tea also makes it a popular and traditional healing tea. As many herbs with health and healing effects are known from the Herbalism, it utilizes these herbs for special teas.

The lime tea is, for example, a popular herbal tea, which you can use to find relief from a cold gently. For pregnant women, special herbal teas are offered, which should help the body changes during pregnancy to better grow and as antispasmodic and circulation.

In contrast to other types of tea herbal tea to a certain extent even can be made.
To establish such a Sage tea, you need a certain amount of dried Sage branches, you can grow easily in the garden or on the balcony. The same applies for Chamomile tea. The real chamomile flowers are then used as the basis for the tea.

Herbal tea is available as a loose tea, often in the form of flowers or stems, as well as tea bags. Generally, herbal tea is poured into boiling water and have some tea which needs to be covered usually a  time of 8-10 minutes, so, for example, special cough or digestive tea’s are closed during this time with a lid.

Here are some tips for the tea: tea preparation

You have to make a note to make tea properly.Related image

Because tea can be so high quality and expensive – if it is not properly prepared, it doesn’t taste anyway, because it can not properly develop the aroma and its ingredients, therefore the effect of the tea is not as good.

So tea can fully unfold its aroma and its ingredients, there is some good evidence.

Goods storage

The storage is important because if tea is stored incorrectly, it loses its flavor before you ever get the opportunity to enjoy the aroma of the tea. If it is well closed, however, and stored dry, it keeps one or two years. However, it is important that it is protected against air, moisture, and light. Lockable boxes are well suited and air-tight.

The tea also should be protected because it loses its aroma also at high temperatures, therefore, among other places like, in the vicinity of the stove or in the summer heat the window sill that is inappropriate.

Also in the vicinity of spices, the tea should not be kept, because there is the danger that he can accept foreign flavor.

The correct waterImage result for herbal tea benefits free images

Water is not just water, the quality of water affects the tea taste. At first and foremost, always fresh water should be used for making tea. If the water in the pipe, for example, confessed a few hours continuously, let it quietly runoff and use the water to flower pouring or cleaning, because the tea is recommended for basically freshwater.

Also, water hardness plays a role in the taste. because the water is very hard, say very chalky, then the tea does not look nice because it spreads a film on the surface of the water and it does not taste very good.

Here, a water filter can help, or can just boil the water for 3 minutes before you pour the tea. Soft water, however, should be poured immediately when it is bubbling boiling. Still, mineral water is a substitute for calcareous water which is unsuitable because it always falsifies tea flavor. Generally speaking, the finer the tea,  the more important soft, tasteless water.

The right tea accessories

So that the tea has enough space in the brewing process, most teapots are always oval. It can fill well with water and can fully develop its flavor and its ingredients. The material of the teapots actually plays no role, although the Chinese and Japanese swear on porcelain and ceramic.

The classic tea requires a tea strainer, the tea is brewed in a pot with boiling water and after a reasonable time, it will then be left in a second pot. Large and round tea strainers that are customized for the pot are ideal for this. Not too small paper, ceramic, or cotton filters are also suitable. Unsuitable is the Tea Infuser because it is too small and the tea leaves can’t unfold, the same applies to the tea tongs.